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Tag: docker

How does Docker run a Linux kernel under macOS host?

I installed Docker on my macOS Sierra as follows. Note I don’t have VirtualBox installed. My macOS details. Once I run Docker from launchpad, I am able to run Docker containers. My question is how does Docker manage to run a Linux kernel within macOS? I thought Docker would at least require boot2docker or some other such Linux kernel running

Kubernetes Docker OS parameters vs Host OS parameters

I am running NGINX and Tomcat on Docker containers (container OS is Red Hat linux) and deployed through Kubernetes pods. Host OS is Red Hat Linux. My query is which OS parameter will be effective – host OS or container OS? During performance tuning do I need to tune both OS or host OS parameters are effective. Example of some

How to run Docker deamon on shared Linux kernel?

I have a problem starting Docker deamon. The root cause of this are missing modules in linux kernel. I don’t have possibility to change/update the kernel. Is there a workaround that would help me start Docker? If that helps: the goal I want to achieve is to set up a repository of the Docker images. I won’t run any containers

Different file owner inside Docker container and in host machine

I am facing a issue related to Docker users. I run my container as gitlab-runner using the following command: The files created inside the docker container show owner gitlab-runner, however, the same files show in my host machine as owner roggerfernandes. gitlab-runner must be the owner of files created inside Docker container as well as host machine. Answer Filesystems, at

Multiple services to run on a container or multiple containers Docker?

I have a container with a Laravel application that is used for development. So I don’t use an apache image, only a php 5.6 one. The process that keeps the container alive from not stopping is and this is also the command that start start the Laravel application server. The application folder is mounted locally on my computer. For my

How to copy files to each user’s space in docker

I am writing a docker file to conduct an evaluation of an R package that I have written. The package is installed inside RStudio server. My docker file inherits from FROM rocker/rstudio. I want the docker file to install the everything (which it does) and create 20 users (user1, user2, …, user20) as test subjects. Each test subject additionally should

Building meta-virtualization layer in yocto

I am trying to add the meta-virtualization layer in my yocto project. The layer depends on openembedded-core and multiple layers provided by meta-openembedded. Following is the structure of my bblayers.conf file after adding the meta-virtualization layer and it’s dependencies. However, when I try to build docker present in the meta-virtualization layer, I encounter the following error If I am not
