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Tag: driver

Linux input driver not working properly

I have written a small linux input driver which reads the state of a gpio. The driver registers OK and also the interrupt gets fired, however the events are not always displayed. Driver runs on Beagleboneblack with Android and kernel version 3.8.13 To test it I do either: cat /dev/input/event2 Or run an user space app that I wrote. The

How to achieve accurate timer in linux kernel

When i write a infrared remote control driver, I have to control delay accurate time during enabling and disabling PWM. At first i used udelay() function in kernel, but i found it’s not accurate at all as i said in another post AFAIK, other timeout functions provided by kernel can’t provide accurate time because of scheduler, when timeout, kernel still

How to add poll function to the kernel module code?

As I know, to inform the user space from kernel space, one way is to using poll. That means kernel driver should provide poll method first. Below code is found from internet, and it really works! I can do like this to make it work: And then to see the result. But how to add poll method to it? I

Bulk message transfer USB Linux

I am at the very beginning to write my own Linux Driver for a dds generator. I want to write 2 bulk messgages to the generator when der Kernel call the probe function. But I dont know how to call the usb_bulk_msg function. I hope you could me. hsync Answer Kernel is kinda self-explanatory project, so usually you can find
