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Tag: eclipse

Eclipse 3.8 won’t see gtkmm.h

I’m quite new to C++ and I aspire to learn gtkmm. I’m using linux mint 17.2 and Eclipse 3.8. When I enter:#include <gtkmm.h> the compiler will complain and give this error: I’ve used synaptic and installed libgtkmm-3.0-dev and when I search for the header file locate gtkmm.h I get back the following path: So, now if enter to eclipse #include

Create shared library with extension so

I have c++ shared library project in my eclipse. Project builds fine, but I always need to rename binary by adding .so extension. Is it possible somehow set Eclipse to create binary with needed extension? Answer Now that I see the command line, it is easy to answer the question. -o “libMYLIB” -o sets the name of the output file

Jar doesn’t execute on linux

I exported an executable Jar file from Eclipse. On Windows when I double-click the file, it executes properly. When I run it from command line with java -jar MyJar.jar it also works. But when I upload that file on my linux VPS and try to run it there, I just get the error Error: Could not find or load main

Platform specific code in Eclipse

We’re developing a java desktop/Eclipse RCP application with a graph-layout component. We faced issues with the GUI scaling on newer(8, 8.1, 10) versions on windows, it appeared that one can only retrieve the scaling factor through win32 api calls, so we added a little DLL that does this and call it through JNI. Works fine on windows, works fine in

Logcat show invisible messages in Eclipse Mars

My PC running on Debian Jessie & Logcat’s messages are all invisible on eclipse Mars. I tried a solution here, but no help. What to do now? ———- UPDATE ———- I tried the followings: Change logcat/ddms’s metadata settings in file. Don’t use GTK3 by export SWT_GTK3=0 But both failed to fix the situation. Answer I had a similar problem

Eclipse error JVM terminated. Exit code=1 /usr/Java70/jre/bin/java

I get a error like My java version is: My eclipse.ini: Linux version: Why am I get that error and how can I solve it? Ran java -jar plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.3.0.v20130327-1440.jar Answer The problem was that whenever navigating to any workitem on RTC, that error occurred and eclipse crashed. Basically the UI did not appear or half appeared. This was solved by

How to use Maven in a remote Linux server?

I have an extracted file of maven in my remote. I am trying to add the environment variables using these commands: When I execute mvn -version, I get this particular error : How do I run my Maven commands on Putty which I am using to access my remote Linux server? Answer Your user (z222189) doesn’t have execute permission on

eclipse CDT /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -l

this is my code : i installed libimobiledevice library and this is but why in configure CDT to use shared library like picture CDT error ? /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -llibimobiledevice Answer Under libraries add imobiledevice instead of libimobiledevice. When you use -lx, linker searches for In your case linker searched for which it could not find.

GNU ARM – nano.specs not found

Last days I’ve been trying to compile a STM32F4xx project with Ubuntu 14.04LTS, Eclipse and GNU ARM plugin for Eclipse. Now it says that nano.specs is missing. Here is my build log: I found some nano.specs files on my computer. What should I do? Just remove linker flag (I can’t actually do that, because I can’t figure out how to

0 NATIVE_LIBRARY_NAME cannot be resolved or is not a field with Linux + Eclipse + Java

I get an error on Core.NATIVE_LIBRARY_NAME like so: Stacktrace: I had settled the NativLibrary path at the following location. /home/…/OpenCV/opencv-2.4.5/build/lib I had followed the instruction on but it doesn’t creates any opencv2.4.9.jar file I am working on ubuntu 12 and eclipse with opencv api suppoert. so help me if you can to generating and building the jar file in
