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Tag: gcc

io.h not found CLion in Ubuntu 20.04

I am trying to run a c++ code however, io.h is not found. It is shown as Additionally, I am getting a bunch of weird problems (for a code that is rather > 16 years old): or or or or or or I wonder if these are related to io.h not being found. I have CLion 2020.2.3 and Answer Add

What is cflags’s function?

In this issue, CFLAGS set as path: In this issue, CFLAGS set as compile option: How to use LDFLAGS in makefile I am confused. Answer CFLAGS stands for compiler flags. LDFLAGS is for linker flags. CFLAGS is used to pass flags to tell the compiler information on how to build a file(s). In your link it is used to

CPU you selected doesn’t support x86-64 instruction set

I want to compile a program which has lots of 32-bit static libraries which I cannot recompile to 64-bit because the lack of makefiles but there are some libraries that I should compile to obtain some static libraries to use alongside them. One of the libraries that I want to compile has a Makefile as follows : Which results in

Rst packets sent with libnet do not reset the connection

I am trying to do ‘rst hijacking’ by using a c script with libcap and libnet included. I use libcap to sniff all packets coming from and going to a host given as input to the program via the commandline. Then libnet sends rst packets to the host trying to connect to the specified host. However when I run the

Execute binary file inside C code (No system())

I am trying to execute a binary executable file inside C code without using system since it has security and resource management issues. The system used here is Debian Buster with kernel 5.4.0-2-amd64 and gcc 9.2.1. I used the method in this question: execute binary machine code from C which is to convert executable into hexadecimal code with xxd -i,
