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Tag: clion

Segmentation fault when executed from linux command line [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 1 year ago. Improve this question My code compiles and runs fine in my IDE. However, when I use

io.h not found CLion in Ubuntu 20.04

I am trying to run a c++ code however, io.h is not found. It is shown as Additionally, I am getting a bunch of weird problems (for a code that is rather > 16 years old): or or or or or or I wonder if these are related to io.h not being found. I have CLion 2020.2.3 and Answer Add

C++ get source file directory in Linux

This question is many time asked and I referred all, but I need bit different. I am using macbook -> Clion (IDE) for C++ My program file location /Users/Kandarp/ClionProjects/SimulationParser/main.cpp When I use following function for get current directory it gives different file (I think actual path where file is compiled and execute) it gives following answer: /Users/Kandarp/Library/Caches/CLion2016.2/cmake/generated/SimulationParser-50b8dc0e/50b8dc0e/Debug But I need

Unable to link openssl libraries to CLion C++ program

I have a CLion project. Here is my CMakeLists.txt: And here is error that I get: Answer Maybe you should try link_libraries(ssl) instead of link_libraries(openssl), if you’re sure of openssl installed on your local machine. See , it says that “OpenSSL provides two primary libraries: libssl and libcrypto.”. To fix your issue just add to your CMakeList.txt:
