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Tag: github

Should .gitignore also be added and commited to git?

.gitignore is used for ignoring the files which are not expected to be commited to git. It locates in the root directory of the project. So this file should also be added and commited as other files or? Answer Yes, it’s a good practice to commit it, to avoid people in your team to commits temporary files, builds, and other

Building C with automake under OS X and Linux

Currently I’m writing a RPC system for delay tolerant networks based on the Serval project from Australia (GitHub) in C. Mainly I’m developing on macOS El Capitan and everything works fine. But it is somewhat important that my code runs on macOS and Linux. But Linux makes trouble. I choose automake as my build system since this is the only

Git whitespace/line ending

I’m going to give you a simplified version of what happen and where I am right now. I have tried different solution but I’m not even sure where does my problem come from. I made some modification on my branch B which is a fork of the branch A of an upstream repository. Then I tried to Pull Request to

Gobblin Git clone error

When trying to download and build Gobblin from git clone. By following, Download and Build Gobblin Locally On your local machine, clone the Gobblin repository: It gives following error in my Amazon Ec2 instance. How to avoid that error message? Answer The issue is not about communicating with the goblin server, but communicating between your ec2 instance and (through

How can I clone a module from linux kernel?

If I only want to focus on a module of linux, such as perf, how can I just fork or download perf module related files from github? I have tried the following command: But it can’t work. Answer You need to use a combination of two relatively new features of Git. The first is sparse-checkout (available since Git 1.7.0). Sparse-checkout

Unable to install git

I ran the following commands on linux mint 12 lisa: I am getting the following error on running 3. That is, installing git: My /etc/apt/sources.list file contains the following content: sudo apt-get upgrade shows the following: Answer You need to install aptitude first. then install git using the command

How can I install xclip on an EC2 instance?

I’m following Github’s instructions for adding an SSH key. I’ve generated the file from my AWS EC2 instance, but I cannot complete the step that has me copy the contents of the file using xclip because I cannot install xclip onto the EC2 instance. I tried to install xclip on the EC2 instance using sudo yum install xclip, but
