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Tag: version-control

How can I push only the files in current index?

I have many large binary files with source code under git version control. I want to only push the source files to github for repo initialization. So I used git rm -r –cached to remove the large binary files from the index. After checking git ls-tree -r –names-only mybranch, I confirmed there are only text source files in the index.

How to use git namespace to hide branches

Background I’m working with a large team using git for version control. The normal flow is: People selecting a ticket from the “backlog queue”. Working on the issue via a local branch (i.e. git checkout -b my_feature_branch). Making several commits as they go (i.e. git commit). Pushing local changes to a remote branch in order to “backup” their work so

Version control system which keeps track of individual files

Up to now I used git to manage my latex-files. However git manages all latex-files in a folder at once. What I want is a version control system which gives me a history for each file separately lets me checkout old versions of individual files without affecting the other ones lets me make branches for each individual file withoud affecting

SVN: Ignoring an already committed file

I have a settings file that is under version control using subversion. Everybody has their own copy of this file, and I need this not to be ever committed. However, like I said, there is already a copy under version control. My question is: how do I remove this file from version control without deleting everyone’s file, then add it
