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Tag: gitlab-ci

If condition is failing in the GitLab CI

following is my Gitlab CI code:- I’m trying to validate the JIRA status by calling its API after retrieving Jira id from title of Merge Request. There is a problem in the If condition below if [[ “$JIRA_STATUS” == “^(Done|Completed|Closed)$” ]] as it is not validating it properly. Every time, the else condition is getting executed and printing the message

Can’t install bash in multiarch build on Alpine

I am trying to build image for linux/arm64/v8 on linux/amd64 Gitlab runner. I run it with this command: My Dockerfile is fairly simple: But it fails with: It’s Gitlab runner version 13.4.1 and Docker executor docker:stable. What can I do about this issue? Answer There were three problems with my approach: I needed to install buildx extension I had to

Couldn’t connect to Docker daemon

I am new in Docker and CICD I am using a vps with Ubuntu 18.04. The docker of the project runs locally and works fine. I don’t quite understand why the server is trying to find the docker on http, not on tcp. override.conf docker service status daemon.json gitlab-ci.yml Error Answer Set the DOCKER_HOST variable. When using the docker:dind service,

GitLab Ci Runner error ” bash: line 21: xcodebuild: command not found “

I hava a gitlab-ci service on Linux , here is the information I followed this tutorial , before the section How to trigger builds everything worked fine , the only different is the environment which is OS “El Capitan” and “Linux” . When I try git push then error appear , I have no idea hot to solve this
