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Tag: imx6

DFU not transferring data in barebox

Am working on a custom board – has no removable storage (sd) and only one UART. I need to transfer files on the the QSPI storage using barebox bootloader. I am trying to use DFU to transfer various files to write to QSPI Device tree has the follow among other things On the board, the OTG mode has been set

Segmentation fault (core dumped) – TFLite

Describe the problem To read a model from official TensorFlow source (COCO SSD MobileNet v1) and perform inference with, we get the error below. System information Host OS Platform and Distribution : Linux Ubuntu 16.04 TensorFlow installed from (source or binary): From source (branch r1.12) Target platform: iMX.6 (Arm v7) Please provide the exact sequence of commands/steps when you

How to examine and debug Yocto’s bootloader on i.MX6Q?

I am building a trusted execution environment on IMX6Q with a Linux Yocto version in the untrusted processor mode. When I switch to non-secure for the first time after reset to load the linux kernel, I get flooded with data and prefetch abort exceptions after I jump to the kernels bootloader.It also seems like, that those exceptions occur as soon
