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Tag: istio

What are the exact system requirements for Knative set up? Why the basic setup guide lead me to exhaustion of resource?

I have been trying to set up Knative development environment on my system. But everytime i deploy Istio , the pilot remain in pending state and i find its because of resource exhaustion. I followed basic setup guide from Knative docs. i.e. serving/blob/master/ Now if i install and deploy istio according to it, the resources get exhausted and istio-pilot remain

How to access istio created dashboard

I installed istio on kubernetes without helm. I can see pods and services are created in istio-system namespace. All service like grafana, Prometheus are created and their ports are not exposed. As load-balancer-service is created so that one load balancer is also created in AWS, I wanted to access grafana, prometheus etc dashboard from an external network through newly created
