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Tag: java-home

How to resolve Error: JAVA_HOME is not defined correctly

I have a wso2 identity server and I am trying to restart it on putty, however when I navigate into the bin folder by typing the command cd /usr/lib64/wso2/wso2is/5.11.0/bin and then type sh to start the server I get the following error: Error: JAVA_HOME is not defined correctly. CARBON cannot execute /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk- My error logs also say ” Halting

java is not working in linux. Why?

Currently working on Linux Cinnamon. I have unistall/removed Open JDK from my local drive. Then I checked java -version via terminal and gives – After that following the installation guide to install oracle jdk 8 for linux. Then I just checked java -version command through [I just unpack jdk to /opt/java]- I set my environment variable JAVA_HOME=”/opt/java/jdk1.8.0_112″ [excluding bin] to

JAVA_HOME incorrectly set. How to reset it?

When I try to run mvn (Apache Maven, that is), I keep getting error “JAVA_HOME” not set. I follow the instructions to set the JAVA_HOME variable as follow; In the terminal: That looks correct, right? Then how come I still getting the incorrect JAVA_HOME error? Answer JAVA_HOME typically should only include the folder that contains the bin folder. So in
