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Tag: java

Where is the program or package gcjh?

I’m having trouble similar to Unable to build pdftk from source on fedora machine, but I’m having it on Ubuntu 13.04. I’ve install gcc-gcj, which provides gcj-4.8. I opened Makefile.Debian, and modified it as follows. So it finds the proper version of some of the GCC build tools: Next, I tried to make: Though I have installed gcc-gcj, it appears

How to update memcached server in Linux

I have installed memcahced server in my machine So, I wanted to update it into 1.4.17 since it is the latest one. But, when I say yum update memcached, it yells like this. OS : Ubuntu 12.10 Result for aptitude show memcached command Answer Try running aptitude show memcached in the terminal. Then you might find out that the latest

How to run VLC stream on Linux server using Java code?

I am trying to run vlc stream from my Java code on Debian server. Simple commands as given in the example below works fine both from java code as well as terminal. But I try to run more advanced command with multiple options” This is my main class: and this is class for executing shell commands: Process in Linux is

Search for a String inside all files inside a war

Where I work someone had Java project and used Eclipse to export that project into a .war package. Now I need to search for a string inside all the files that make that .war package. I know that a .war package is just a .zip file, and I have extracted its contents, however, now I have bunch of of .class

Maven, error copying a file with antrun

I have some problems copying files with Maven. I use the antrun plugin in this manner: (I want to copy the file jdk1.5.0_22.tgz to a temporary folder) And it works fine. Now I make a small change to be independent from the jdk file version: (I only change jdk1.5.0_22.tgz to jdk*.*) In this case I have the following error: [exec]

Sublime 2 Java build

Hi i am using this build system that i found here on so but for some reason it is still not working, the output i get is the javac options i have used this build system.I have used the default one with no luck had a look on-line and couldn’t find much. is there a better build system that i

Why Maven uses JDK 1.6 but my java -version is 1.7

I have setup maven in my terminal, and when getting the version settings (using mvn -v) it seems it uses JDK 1.6, while I have JDK 1.7 installed. Is there anything wrong? The commands I enter are these: Answer add the following to your ~/.mavenrc: Second Solution: echo export “JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)” >> ~/.bash_profile
