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Tag: java

Execute a JAR file in a specific JRE

I have been looking at this question and although it shows how you can execute a jar in Windows, it does not show how this can be done in Linux (preferably CentOS). How can I execute the .jar file I made in Linux? Here is what I have on the command line: UPDATE: I have tried this: I ran: Answer

Add JDK in Linux to run IDEA

I’m new in Linux & read a lot solution about add JDK in Ubuntu but not work! :/ I want to install JDK in Ubuntu. I installed Ubuntu 12.04-i386 and downloaded JDK 8 and add “/home/user/Soft/jdk1.8.0_20/bin” to “/etc/enviroment”. I run IntelliJ IDEA 13 (Community Edition) well, also write some project but after some day when I want lunch it,it says:

0 NATIVE_LIBRARY_NAME cannot be resolved or is not a field with Linux + Eclipse + Java

I get an error on Core.NATIVE_LIBRARY_NAME like so: Stacktrace: I had settled the NativLibrary path at the following location. /home/…/OpenCV/opencv-2.4.5/build/lib I had followed the instruction on but it doesn’t creates any opencv2.4.9.jar file I am working on ubuntu 12 and eclipse with opencv api suppoert. so help me if you can to generating and building the jar file in

what is the correct* usage with Linux?

On Linux (Ubuntu 14.04), this code hangs after “got contact list” is printed: Examining the library, would seem to use JNI to connect with Skype. At least for me, the connection never seems to occur. Is it even possible to use this to connect to skype? How do I know why why it’s not (apparently) connecting? Answer While this

Unable to claim interface: Resource busy

I am working with USB4Java (the low-level version) and am basically working from this code here. I’m working in Ubuntu, and I was running into a problem about permissions but was able to resolve by running eclipse using gksu from the terminal. Now I am having a new problem: When I get to the point in the code here: I’m

The full pathname of a JDK installation for Oracle SQL Developer

I want to run Oracle SQL Devloper on Ubuntu with this command: Then I got this message: Type the full pathname of a JDK installation (or Ctrl-C to quit), the path will be stored in /home/aimad/.sqldeveloper/4.0.0/product.conf So I gave the path of jdk as the following: /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-i386/ But then I got this message: Error: Java home /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-i386//bin/java is not a
