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Tag: java

Deploying jar to unix server

Currently, in order to deploy my program to my ubuntu server, I have to do the following steps. 1. Compile the code using Gradle 2. Using FileZilla to move the jar to my server. 3. Connect to my server and find the process to kill it 4. restart the program. I am curious if there are any alternatives to this

Not able to convert the csv to HTML in Jmeter

I am running load test on one of my sftp server application using jmeter. I run my jmx script as below Script does have Simple Data Writer which creates csv file with result, which i convert into html using below command running on cmd from bin folder of jmeter. It was working couple of days back and now if i

How to run jar files sequentially from a shell script

I am trying to run two java application one after other in my docker container. In my dockerfile i have specified as the entry point. ENTRYPOINT [“sh”, “/opt/”] Then i use this script to run two jar files. but this does not work. It gives Error: Unable to access jarfile javaimpl-loader.jar and only the service.jar is executed. When i

Forge MDK runClient crashing, likely because of LWJGL. How can I fix it?

I tried to build the example mod which comes with the 1.12.2 MDK, gradlew setupDecompWorkspace, gradlew eclipse and even gradlew build work fine, only when I try to run gradlew runClient it crashes immediately and prints the following error/stack trace: System Information: OS: Ubuntu 18.04 Forge MDK: forge-1.12.2- Graphics Driver: nvidia-driver-435 Java Version: 1.8.0_242 However I can still run (modded)

Executing mv command with Java.exec();

I am trying to move an file via the linux mv command. I have following code: During execution it translates to /bin/sh -c “mv “/home/test/update/Test-test-23afi369890Ajk/build/libs/*” “/home/test/test.jar”” While this command executes perfectly via the command line, it fails during execution of the jar. Following error is given: Thanks in advance! Answer Here’s the shell command you want to execute: Here’s the

Java wrapper for Unix file cmd [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations. Closed 3 years ago. Improve this question I am trying to access some statistics (file type description) of
