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Tag: makefile

linux Makefile syntax for blank lines in screen output

i have this makefile: It results the below output: what i am looking to do is create a space between “prompt> make” and the first happening of gfortran. and ideally i would like the output on the screen to first print out the contents of my COMPILER_VERSION variable before the first gfortran happens, such that the output would look like

Maikefile error make: *** [prepare] Error 127

I get the following error form the Makefile: Error: What am I doing wrong? Answer your subshell command git describe –abbrev=0 –tags is executed an returns the string “v1.1.2”. Make then tries to execute it as a program. should work

bsd-finger won’t Make correctly

I ran across an interesting issue. My system is Arch Linux (latest) on an ASUS laptop. Now, the really weird issue: finger is not automatically installed with Arch. I attempted to use pacman to install it, and it’s not in the repositories. It IS in the AUR. I downloaded the AUR file, un-tarred the tar with tar -xvf bsd-finger0.17.tar.gz. This

Compiling simple C++ projects using make [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations. Closed 7 years ago. Improve this question I want to switch completely from using Windows to Linux (Ubuntu).

How to recompile an existing linux application

I am looking to edit and recompile the hcitool.c of bluez version 5.31. I installed the bluez 5.31 by following the procedure from the answer of this: Bluetooth Low Energy in C – using Bluez to create a GATT server In my trial, I duplicated the hcitool.c file and named it as myhcitool.c inside the tools folder and I use

How to use Arduino-Makefile with Sparkfun Pro Micro?

So, I am using Arduino-Makefile ( and trying to program a 5V 16MHz Sparkfun Pro Micro ( I am using the versions of the Arduino libraries and Arduino-Makefile in the repository of the Linux distro I am using (Linux Mint 17.2). These versions are 1.0.5 and 1.3.1 respectively. My file structure looks like this: My test.ino is taken directly from

How to remove a broken installation of glibc

I just attempted to install glibc version 2.19 to my computer as follows: 1) I cloned the glibc git repo with 2) I checked out version 2.19 with 3) I made a directory objdir in my home directory, and built the installation there with 4) I tested the make with This gave me an error, but some webpage I found

Link a C++ library: Restbed

I just downloaded the restbed library: I have trouble using it.. In fact, I don’t know where to put this library.. (I have Linux Mint 17.2).. I’m pretty sure that I’m doing something using because when I use #include <restbed>, the make command says that it cannot find the file.. So, can you tell me where I should put

Build is happening by default with g++ instead of arm compiler?

I am encountering a very strange issue. I am building my source for ARM with ARM compilers. I modified CXX field in makefile to build using arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++ instead of g++ but while building its still taking g++. Can someone please help me here? MY makefile has the following entry I modified it to look as follows Shouldn’t the build happen
