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Tag: maven

Spring Boot Missing Plugin when Running from Command Line

I have a maven project that I can run in Eclipse, but I can’t get it to run from the linux command line. I get an error when I run ‘mvn spring-boot:run’: “No plugin found for prefix ‘spring-boot’ in the current project and in the plugin groups [org.apache.maven.plugins, org.codehaus.mojo] available from the repositories” Here is my POM: Answer I ended

Differences in build on Jenkins?

I configure Jenkins to build a project from git, i’m using maven: However, the project build is incomplete: In a terminal the build occurred correct: In both case no error occurs and a build is finished with sucess. I don’t know exactly, why the differences are happening. Answer I was making two mistakes: 1 – At the first time I

Linux executable fails using javafx-maven-plugin

I have a multimodule maven project with JavaFX up and running. I can create an jar file containing all classes that is executable through a maven assembly, so I know the packaged bundle works. For conveniance I want to create a native bundle/executable using the javafx-maven-plugin This works fine on Windows, creates an exe file that can be run. However

How to install man page for Maven on linux?

I am using linux(mint mate), and installed maven by download & unzip & config the environment, I could use the mvn command. I want to have man mvn, not just mvn -help, any tip? @Update: To make the question clear, there is no man page for mvn, because I install maven by unzip, so I want to install man page

How to use Maven in a remote Linux server?

I have an extracted file of maven in my remote. I am trying to add the environment variables using these commands: When I execute mvn -version, I get this particular error : How do I run my Maven commands on Putty which I am using to access my remote Linux server? Answer Your user (z222189) doesn’t have execute permission on

Maven, error copying a file with antrun

I have some problems copying files with Maven. I use the antrun plugin in this manner: (I want to copy the file jdk1.5.0_22.tgz to a temporary folder) And it works fine. Now I make a small change to be independent from the jdk file version: (I only change jdk1.5.0_22.tgz to jdk*.*) In this case I have the following error: [exec]

Why Maven uses JDK 1.6 but my java -version is 1.7

I have setup maven in my terminal, and when getting the version settings (using mvn -v) it seems it uses JDK 1.6, while I have JDK 1.7 installed. Is there anything wrong? The commands I enter are these: Answer add the following to your ~/.mavenrc: Second Solution: echo export “JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)” >> ~/.bash_profile
