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Tag: monitoring

Where can I get node exporter metrics description?

I’m new to monitoring the k8s cluster with prometheus, node exporter and so on. I want to know that what the metrics exactly mean for though the name of metrics are self descriptive. I already checked the github of node exporter, but I got not useful information. Where can I get the descriptions of node exporter metrics? Thanks Answer There

Restart ffmpeg process using monit if TOTAL CPU is less than 1%

I have used kind of similar solution like this Restarting ffmpeg process using monit to restart my ffmpeg stream in case it fails for some reason. Remember its not duplicate problem/question, because I have other issues unlike the example question/solution Restarting ffmpeg process using monit, which I’m gonna explain below. So here is my monit configuration: Here is my

using watch , tail and ccze together

I have used watch and tail together like this: Also I have used tail and ccze for colorizing log file as below: But I dont know how should I use all of these three together in a single command. Does any one have any idea? Answer Recent versions of watch has -c | –color option, so perhaps this will work

Check_MK – configuring legacy check

I am running OMD 1.20 -latest according to official website, Check_MK 1.2.4p5 community edition on an Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS machine. I need to configure a FTP check that will check also the credentials and reading/writing a file. The standard plugins do not offer such a feature from what I know so I am trying to use a custom plugin, specifically:

Given a PPID, how to find all of associated PID?

It might be a weird question as I searched and found many people asking about how to find the PPID given a PID. However, I’m interested in finding out all the PID of a given PPID. The incentive was to run a process check using pidstat and from my test with pidstat, it seems to be that pidstat only reports
