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Tag: monodevelop

Mono and Array.Sort

How can I use Array.Sort(someArray) in Mono with the Monodevelop !? I’m using Mono 4.2.2 and Monodevelop 5.10. Did I has to import some namespace? Which one? Is there another method to use? I’ve been trying that and don’t works: Answer Array is in the System namespace and is included within mscorlib (Mono/.Net 2/4/4.5+). Using: Cut/Paste example: Output:

running bash piped comand from mono linux

I am trying to run bash command with pipe using mono process start here is code snippet I am trying single commands works, however pipe commands fails to run, what am I missing here ? I tried running “ps -aux” which runs fine. However ps -aux | grep gnome command failed. I tried these scenarios scenario 1: command = ps
