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Tag: mysql

How to install R and RMySQL in RedHat Linux 8?

How do I install R and RMYSQL on RedHat Linux 8? Cannot get the epel working. Trying to install R gives dependency errors. Answer Followed the instructions here: (Assuming that you have already installed the MySQL) Untar the downloaded R : Now install the following using yum: Now configure: Make install : Now to launch R from anywhere: That

Cannot access to mysql 8.0 after change root password

I have mysql 8.0 work under centos 7 minimal. I change the password using this command mysqladmin -u root -p’Pass-123***’ password Myp@$$123 . After this , i try to access to mysql via mysql -p but i cannot access with the new password. How i can do this ? Answer You changed the password commandline on Linux. In sh/bash/zsh the

MySQL Alter Table DB Freezes

I’m using Ubuntu 16.04.3 and mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.22. When I try to alter my db table column with the following command the database appears to freeze; mysql> alter table records modify column name varchar(150); Table size is 2.8MiB (6,000 records). I’m simply trying to change the varchar(150) part. I have tried to do the same thing in GUI

CALL multiple procedures with python

I have a linux server and I would like to run a python script every day to run mysql procedures but I do not know how to run multiple procedures and put a condition if there is an error that it sends me an email with the description of the error. Here is my script with only one procedure: Thank

symmetric bandwidth usage mysql

I have 2 servers. Server A is where I have scripts that download html files from websites and then insert those texts into a MySQL server that its on server B. Server B, at least for now, is just for Writing to MySQL, we dont read (select) to that server. Data is downloaded using a PHP Script and another PHP

The referenced column name has to be a primary key column on the target entity class

everyone. Happy new year! Today I am having problems trying to resolving this problem: Could not resolve type of column “id_usuario” of class “FacturadorVirtualModelosSeguridadUsuario” For some, this error is only present in linux enviroment. In windows, no problem. What the problem is exactly? Looks like PlanAdquirido is not finding the column id_usuario through the relationship $adquiridoPor. Again: this error is

Why is my default password for mysql not empty string [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. This question does not appear to be about programming within the scope defined in the help center. Closed 5 years ago. Improve this question I ran this [sudo apt-get install mysql-server] in the terminal and when I logged in as root [mysql -u root -p]

Unable to connect to any specified mysql C#

I can’t connect to my sql server, i tried some fixes from stackoverflow and google and it didn’t help me. Thanks. To configure myuser I used this on my linux vps. i tried : Unable to connect to any of the specified mysql hosts. C# MySQL ( i tried to use MySqlConnectionStringBuilder, don’t specify the port, instead of password in
