I’m trying to install node js and npm on vanilla os. I’ve tried flatpak install method as well but it didn’t work. Any help will be much appreciated. Answer If you are planning to use nodejs on top of Visual Studio Code (installed as a Flatpak) then the version you installed from Flathub is fine but you need to change
Tag: node.js
Node.js – Asynchronously edit JSON file and prevent interferance from other async calls
I am making a Discord bot in node.js, and need to store some per-guild data. I want to store it in separate JSON files in data/<guild.id>.json using the built in fs/promises. I have a function setGuildData(guildID: string, dataToAssign: object) that reads the current JSON file, parses the JSON to fileData, then assigns the new data using Object.assign() to finally stringify
Can you bind the default network interface of the host into the container to read network stats?
I have a project where I read system information from the host inside a container. Right now I got CPU, RAM and Storage to work, but Network turns out to be a little harder. I am using the Node.js library https://systeminformation.io/network.html, which reads the network stats from /sys/class/net/. The only solution that I found right now, is to use –network
Bash: No such file or directory when running shell comands with node.js spawn on linux
I wrote the following web server in node.js using express and hbs that can run shell files, but I keep getting the following error when I type this url into a web browser linux username here is replaced with my linux username Contents of nodejs file: This is the contents of run.sh: Answer Hello, I don’t know why I decided
npm ERR! code EACCES, npm install –global yarn met error
Mac mini (M1, 2020) Monterey Brownie v1.17.2 nodejs v16.13.4 I am learning solidity according to reference(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M576WGiDBdQ&t=25510s). Node.JS install is fine when I tried this the terminal give the error information I checked the owner of the file ,the owner is root ,should i use sudo? find this thread (Error: EACCES: permission denied, access ‘/usr/local/lib/node_modules’),changed the owner , stll one file
Unable to deploy NodeJS (Fastify app) in Azure App Service Linux
I’m stuck in deploying my fastify app on Azure app service linux. I’m using azure devops for pushing my code to app service. I’m using 8080 port for running my application and its works fine on my local. localhost screenshot But the same code is not working on my Azure app service linux. Below are my Azure application setting variables.
what should I do with the n upgrade node permission in fedora 32
I am using this command to upgrade the node version in fedora 32: when I using the n stable command, shows error like this: I did not want to using root user to upgrade the node, what should I do? Just change the /usr/local folder permission to current user? does this way had any side effect? I am not sure,
How does npm verify packages and how to verify npm/node installation packages between machines?
Where in the npm code does it verify the packages against a checksum? Also is it possible to verify one machine’s installation of node and packages vs another machine? As in, is it possible to generate a bunch of checksums for a machine to compare with whatever’s in the registry, and on a separate machine. In npm, it seems to
How to unset all environment variables at once?
I am trying to unset environment variables in my code in teardown block. Is there a command to unset all variables at once? For example i am setting the following environment variables i am using unset command to unset the variables is there a command to unset all at once something like, unset all Answer You definitely can unset all
Can’t connect to a MongoDB server
I’m trying to deploy this Fullstack app to a DigitalOcean droplet: https://github.com/maismin/stock-portfolio-app-demo I installed MongoDB like how to documentation said and then I started it and didn’t do anything else (I don’t know if I need to actually make a database or not this is the first time I’m using MongoDB). Then I cloned the repo, then I installed NPM