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Tag: node.js

Browsersync on Linux

I did install Browsersync on Ubuntu using command line: Now, I went to check for version: where I get error message: What should I do now? Answer I got it fixed installing nodejs-legacy: Then checked back to be worked: Thanks to @Biffen for his tip 🙂

Node.js installation error

I have installed Node.js, NVM and NPM according to : My working directory looks like this: Working_FilesWebRTC which contains the files: package.json server.js and Working_FilesWebRTCviews which contains an index file: In Working_FilesWebRTC, in order to run the server, using: every time I have to repeat the process explained in the installation, otherwise I receive the error: where the error

Docker container apt-get install can’t find package

I’m trying to spin up a docker container that populates mongo via a node.js script that I have. With the script below, I get the error : with this dockerfile: Why does apt-get not find nodejs? Answer Seems i was missing RUN curl –silent –location | bash – before the apt-get install

Running git from node.js as a child process?

I am attempting to write a generic command-runner in Node.JS – however that’s not massively important. My setup is as follows: I have a list of string commands that are executed using child_process.exec one after the other. I want to run git from one of these commands, specifically a pull. The location I am pulling from requires SSH authentication. HTTPS

write/read contents from a file in Linux FS using java script

I have installed node.js and running a project(with all js files) on Apache Knox. I need to save some data to a file(HOME/Job_State.txt) in Linux FS and read its contents when needed to do some checksums. Iam new to js and looking for example code that does this. Kindly help me by providing some suggestions/pointers. Answer Have a look at

permission denied when using su to execute a node program

here is my node program it is in /home/test/ and the test directory ‘s privilege is rwxrwxrwx. when i run node test.js with the tomcat account, the data.txt could be created. but when i run a service to execute su tomcat -c ‘node /home/test/test.js’, the data.txt could not be created and there is a permission denied hint in the stdout.
