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Tag: shell

Docker run with arguments from a configuration file

I’ve built a docker image in order to publish a jupyter notebook to my team. The jupyter notebook runs inside a docker container by running a docker run command containing numerous arguments (such as mounts and environment variables for AWS credentials). The current instructions I published for running the docker require you to copy and paste the entire docker run

If not exists, create a folder – Error in makefile

I searched over the internet for a command to create a folder if it doesn’t exist. I found it and put in my makefile When the folder doesn’t exist it’s created correctly. But I get an error if the folder already exists. I don’t get why the command would give an error if the condition [ ! -d “myfolder” ]

echo printing working directory files names for no reason

why echo printing the files names ? gives this output but running pacmd list-sinks | grep “index:” in the shell gives * index: 1 index: 2 index: 3 Answer pacmd returns * pattern. In for … in …; do … done loop, the list pattern contains * without any protection. So, bash replace * by all files found in current

Pipe into a shell/bash script from Web URL

How to download a script from URL, execute it, and pipe something into it – all with one command? I have a shell script to which I can pipe stuff: The script is moved to Try to do something like this: but it doesn’t work. Data does not get piped into the script. There is a workaround, but how

what alternative methods for sudo echo without bash -c

I must run the echo in the script with sudo because permission. I do not want to execute the script with sudo I do not want to use bash -c “…” because escaping. Are there no other solutions? Answer The problem you are encountering here is that the output redirection >/file.tmp has to happen with elevated privileges.

Bash script conversion to fish

I’m trying to convert this script to fish: This is my progress so far: It should be fully converted except that main command substitution in the last function: that raises this error: And I don’t understand how to convert it. Can you help me? Thanks Answer Found the correct way to convert it (thanks to @masahide:
