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Tag: sonarqube

SonarQube MsBuild scanner on linux build agent

We build or dotnet core 1.1 projects on our own linux build agents in docker. ( We would like to use Sonar to analyze our C# code. But it seems that the SonarQube MsBuild Scanner can’t run in linux environment. Does anybody know a workaround for this. We don’t really want to use Windows agents just to do the code

SonarQube will not start up

I followed this tutorial on installing SonarQube on my Ubuntu x64 Server However, when starting up sonarqube (linux-x86-64), it gets shutdown before completing to start. This is the sonar.log file: I already have the debug logging mode enabled, but I am unable to find out the error and fix it. Any help is appreciated. I am using JDK

Sonar Qube uninstall linux

To install sonar there is a for it. How to uninstall sonar then on linux shell? Is there any script to remove all and don’t leave any trash in the system? Answer To start Sonar : start To stop Sonar : stop To uninstall Sonar : remove the Sonar installation directory. That’s it !
