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Tag: terminal

Java Linux Terminal in JPanel

I am making a Scripting Editor and would like to be able to run the Bash/Shell/Python/etc. scripts in the program… So far, I have a way of running them, but there is no way for the scripts to have user input; here’s the code: Any help/ideas are greatly appreciated!!! Answer This is a modification of my previous answer to a

Python command line arguments linux

I have this little program(I know there is a lot of errors): If i start it by typing python testfile.txt the output will be always(even if the file doesn’t exist): If you don’t know what iam want from this program, i want to print “File ‘filename’ wasn’t found” if the file isn’t exist and if it’s exist iam wan’t

‘tree’ and ‘ls’ change text color on Linux command line

I’ve been having a peculiar issue caused by the tree command on Linux. When I call tree, the the color of the command prompt changes, and is only returned to normal by the ls command. I’m curious if others have encountered the same issue, and if they have fixes or workarounds. I’m using the solarized color scheme (though I’m not

Linux terminal installation yes/no error

I want to set up something, example: phpmyadmin; Terminal CODE: When I enter this code a yes or no question is seen. I answer ‘yes’ ‘y’ but it is cancelled. Answer It asks you: Note the capital “Y”, which means it’s selected by default, so pressing “enter” is enough, no need to enter “yes”.

Screen, process kill on disconnect?

Am hoping this can be cleared up : Given, screen session running, and open (attached) in a terminal. Question. If the terminal session is terminated, without being detached from the screen session, would the active process running in the screen session be killed/halted/stopped etc. Thanks Answer It is in the manual page, found by looking for SIGHUP: Command: autodetach state

Delete last executed command in Linux terminal

I want to do a clear but only of the last command I executed. Here is a example so you can understand it better: If that’s the current state of the shell I want to execute a command (for example echo a > /tmp/foo) and keep the console: So it should be something like echo a > /tmp/foo && clear

QtCreator – start external tool in an interactive bash

A while ago I discovered that you can make QtCreator call external tools directly from within the IDE and pass various arguments to those via the Tool->External. I find this pretty convenient however I’m currently struggling with the issue of starting a terminal-based application in an interactive bash. I am using Lubuntu 12.04 with QtCreator 2.5.2. Usually you can start

Is there a way to ‘store’ Sudo temporarily

I’m quite new to Linux. I remember using a tutorial were you were able to declare your sudo (+password) at the start and then use terminal without having to do sudo or import your password again. I.e. Sudo yum-get update -> yum-get update. Sorry if this is a very obvious question, I honestly don’t remember where the tutorial was from,

Woking With BMP File in C++, Ubuntu

I am trying to work with a bmp file in linux with g++ compiler. I am using C++ language. I Need to load a .bmp file from the standard input. for example: So I need a Code to do this job. I think storing the whole .bmp file is good by I don’t know how to do this. I Tried
