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Tag: user-interface

How to build a Tkinter GUI in linux like exe in window?

I worote some Tkinter script in Linux,everytime I use “python” to run it from terminal, but in windows,I can use pyinstaller to build an EXE file, then double click the GUI will run. How do I do in linux to build an “exe” file then can click it will run instead of “python”? pyinstaller Answer In Linux you

Executable file didn’t work correctly [Linux]

I write a program on Qt C++ GUI, that from given user input generates three .cpp files with proper syntax (C++). When I start my program from Qt Creator directly or run it from console like a script its creates the files in executable directory correctly: When I double click executable file, the program starts and work fine, but It

Ribbon interface for GTK and Qt

Is it possible to implement ribbon interface in Windows7 in GTK or Qt? If yes how to do it? Answer Yes, some libraries for Ribbon widgets have already been released. see this post and this one. There is also QtitanRibbon, an implementation of Microsoft’s Ribbon UI for QT.

Is there a MongoDB GUI desktop application for Linux? [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations. Closed 7 years ago. Improve this question From my searches online, I’ve found dozens of web-based MongoDB GUIs,
