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Tag: ubuntu

Multixterm – “can’t find package Expect”

I am attempting to open multixterm on my desktop machine, but I end up with the error: usr:~> multixterm can’t find package Expect while executing “package require Expect” (file “/usr/local/bin/multixterm” line 6″) Any help would be appreciated. I’ve tried running multixterm on my laptop and on a friend’s machine, and there is no issue there. Both Expect and multixterm exist

How do you install .Net Core on Ubuntu without using sudo?

The current installation instructions for Ubuntu 14 require the use of sudo ( I don’t have root permissions on a particular Ubuntu 12 server that I need to install .Net Core on. I have tried to download the Ubuntu files ( and install them manually but I get the following error when I run ‘dotnet restore’: Answer Running dotnet from

QSqlDatabase: QMYSQL driver not loaded on Ubuntu 15.04 64bits

In Ubuntu 15.04 64 bits I installed Qt5.6 (online installer) and while trying to move my development environment from Windows 7 to Linux I faced the following: Following this, I managed to find ~/Qt/5.6/gcc_64/plugins/sqldrivers/ and then: Tells => not found. In fact, it seems I have a newer version: Perhaps that’s the problem. Could some one confirm? How should

Postgres latency issues during memory compaction in Ubuntu Linux

We’ve recently upgraded our EC2 instance that hosts our Postgres database to an i2.8xlarge with 244GB of memory (this is to utilise the large amounts of ephemeral storage it comes with). Since upgrading, we’ve been having some issues with latency in Postgres that appear to be due to memory compaction that’s occurring in the Linux kernel. We’re using PostgreSQL 9.3

How does Anacron works in linux?

How does the Anacron runs even after the system shutdowns in linux? How does it look for the commands to run after the system shutdown? Answer If you have a backup script scheduled everyday at 11 PM as a regular cron job, and if your laptop is not up at 11 PM, your backup job will not be executed. However,

ls to list matches in specified directory

How do I list matched results in a specified directory? On my Ubuntu server if I list the contents of a directory it correctly lists it. My working directory is /var/crash. Let’s say I want to list all files that contain ‘tar’. In this example there should only be one match i.e. start.txt All’s good so far. However if I

MySQL code causes PHP script to crash at popen/exec

I have the following PHP 5.6.19 code on a Ubuntu 14.04 server. This code simply connects to a MySQL 5.6.28 database, waits a minute, launches another process of itself, then exits. Note: this is the full script, and it’s purpose is to demonstrate the problem – it doesn’t do anything useful. I start the first process of the script using

cronjob does not execute a script that works fine standalone

I have my php script file in /var/www/html/dbsync/index.php. When cd /var/www/html/dbsync/ and run php index.php it works perfectly. I want to call PHP file through sh file, the location of SH file is as below This is the content of the file is: When I cd /var/www/html/dbsync/ and run ./ it works perfectly as well. Now if I set
