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Tag: ubuntu

Find which program caused a core dump file

I’ve been going through intense program/package installation recently, so I can’t tell for sure which of the newly installed programs (or old programs) caused the appearance of a core file in my home folder. It’s a server, so I better find out any possible sources of instability on the machine. Answer You can simply use the file program to identify

Get file from ubuntu server

I have an Ubuntu server running with DB backups. How to get the backups? I am using a *.pem file to login. I have been trying mail with mailx. I execute the command but without success. I get no error messages I am aware of that this is without attachments. How to get this working? With wget do I need

java application and x11 forwarding

I need to start jperf on virtual server. I configured X11 forwarding via ssh. xclock – is working. But if I start jperf I get: user@client-32:~/sandbox/jperf-2.0.2$ sh Exception in thread “main” java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError Caused by: java.awt.HeadlessException at sun.java2d.HeadlessGraphicsEnvironment.getDefaultScreenDevice( at net.nlanr.jperf.JPerf.(Unknown Source) java version: java version “1.7.0_03” OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea7 2.1.1pre) (7~u3-2.1.1~pre1-1ubuntu3) OpenJDK Client VM (build 22.0-b10, mixed mode, sharing)

How to check if sed has changed a file

I am trying to find a clever way to figure out if the file passed to sed has been altered successfully or not. Basically, I want to know if the file has been changed or not without having to look at the file modification date. The reason why I need this is because I need to do some extra stuff

How to programmatically check for connection?

In Linux (Ubuntu), I want to programmatically check if there is Internet connection (or if eth0 is connected). I’m doing this because I am writing a program that requires network connection on a system that is highly prone to lose connection. So I was thinking maybe a script that I can run periodically to check. Can you give me good

Grep inside all files created within date range

I am on the Ubuntu OS. I want to grep a word (say XYZ) inside all log files which are created within date range 28-may-2012 to 30-may-2012. How do I do that? Answer This is a little different from Banthar’s solution, but it will work with versions of find that don’t support -newermt and it shows how to use the

iconv any encoding to UTF-8

I am trying to point iconv to a directory and all files will be converted UTF-8 regardless of the current encoding I am using this script but you have to specify what encoding you are going FROM. How can I make it autdetect the current encoding? terminal line Answer Maybe you are looking for enca: Enca is an Extremely
