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Tag: ubuntu

Ubuntu GTK+3 Eclipse Link

Is there any simple tutorial on linking gtk+3 libraries with eclipse indigo cdt on ubuntu platform? As I googled, I have been trying to use the pkg-config commands but still getting same result; the SDK cannot resolve gtk methods. I downloaded libgtk3-dev and gtk3 from synaptic properly. I included all the headers properly from C++ settings – gcc compiler –

Python ImportError while module is installed [Ubuntu]

I’d like to make a switch from Windows to Linux (Ubuntu) writing my python programs but I just can’t get things to work. Here’s the problem: I can see that there are quite the number of modules pre-installed (like numpy, pandas, matplotlib, etc.) in Ubuntu. They sit nicely in the /host/Python27/Lib/site-packages directory. But when I write a test python script

Sqlite Not Found

I’m trying to get sqlite3 to work on ubuntu linux. I first tried to download sqlite3 but was given an error about multiple versions. I then deleted and another counterpart to that using gksudo natalie, which was recommended. I then reinstalled the two rpm files…I now have eight of them and the whole thing is blowing up and I’m

search for files not accessed for x days

How can I find files in Linux that were not accessed for X days? I found that command, but it will show files that were viewed for the last x days: Answer Use -atime +60 to see files that have not been accessed within the last 60 days:

Ubuntu Python shebang line not working

Unable to get shebang line working in Ubuntu for python script. I only get a command not found error each time. Ran Played around with different locations for python in the shebang but no luck including what was provided by which python. Any tips on how to troubleshoot this? Thanks Answer If you are trying to run the command

OCaml Compile Error: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lstr

I am trying to compile the source code of MEGAM Ocaml library on an Ubuntu 64 machine. I have OCaml installed (v 3.12.1), using sudo apt-get install ocaml. I am having an issue when running the “make” command in the terminal on the unzipped source code, with OCaml returning the error: The makefile is producing the following two commands: No
