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Tag: wayland

Wayland client get compositor name

Is it possible for a c application using to get the name of the compositor / display server it opened a connection to (e.g. KWin, Sway, …)? I fail to find it in the docs. For reference, in X11 this is possible using XProps specified by EWMH: _NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK to get the window id of the window manager and then

“Authentication failed” in Wayland application

First of all, sorry for a potentially silly question, it’s my first attempt to work with Wayland. But i’ve googled and could not find anything related. The system which i develop, is very time-critical in running graphicall applications, so i’ve managed to run Weston and the desired application on initramfs step before systemd starts. Everything went fine, except that “normal”

Check if at least one Wayland session is running

I’m using Qt and want to check if any Wayland session is running. For now I have this just for test code, that works as expected: Is it possible to get rid of QProcess and use Linux C++ API? Answer You can try to connect to Wayland. If you can connect to a Wayland composer it is running otherwise is
