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Tag: zcat

How can I specify a regex in a zgrep/zcat command?

I want to find in a list of words, every words with a least 3 times the same letter in it. To achieve that I did .*(w).*1.*1.*1.* and you can test it here but I don’t know how to put it in my zgrep command. How can I insert this regex in a zgrep command ? Answer A couple

How to use zgrep and regular expression?

I’m trying to do some research in a .gz file so I found out I should use zcat / zgrep now after a bit of research I can’t figure out how to use a regex with zgrep I tried to do it like this zgrep ‘[sS]{10,}’ a.gz but nothing comes out even if there are string of minimum 10 characters

How to filter properly my access logs with GoAccess?

I want to generate a report with only the POST /xmlrpc.php requests, so I run the following command : The results of the report are not all displayed (in the graph I see only 9 days, but I checked on the others logs and I have POST /xmlrpc.php requests almost every days (30 in total) ). Am I using zat

Find a line in a list of .gz files

i around 50 .gz files in a particular directory in linux. i need to find a particular line in each file. currently i am doing by zcat each file. Eg: Output: Sep 9 17:12:47 cap-s12-custfw-1: NetScreen device_id=cap-s12-custfw-1 [Root]system-information-00542: BGP peer changed to Idle state (2016-09-09 17:13:15) please let me if there is any easier way to do this.
