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Tag: zynq

How are memory regions on ARM Cortex A denoted as “device” or “strongly ordered” under Linux

On the ARM Cortex-A9 that comprises part of the Zynq SoC I’m using, regions of memory are labelled as “normal”, “device” or “strongly ordered”. This is described in the Zynq technical reference manual, but I understand it is a property of ARMs more generally. Obviously, the ability to have strongly ordered memory accesses for memory mapped devices (which includes many

How to transfer data with high speed through USB?

I’m trying to find a way to send/receive data through USB port of an ARM processor on a zynq board (ZC706) running petalinux. I searched on the net and I’m totally confused where to begin. I found solutions but those did not consider USB to be connected to ARM processor, high-speed data transfer or petalinux. I know how to write
