Sample project from the NetBeans tutorials set contains only one Swing form (empty JFrame), compiles and runs fine, but I can’t change layout of the form and add elements in it with the NetBeans GUI buider since it shows only empty placeholder with single “loading…” message. Any clues how to fix it would be highly appreciated. Kubuntu 12.04, Openjdk 1.7,
check if argument is a valid date in bash shell
I am writing a bash shell script in Linux, this program will accept a date (mm-dd-yyyy) as a parameter. I am wondering if there is a simply way to check if the date is valid? is there an operator and I can just use test to check? Answer You can check with date -d “datestring” So date -d “12/31/2012” is
Switch maven version – mvn command does not get bound
I’m trying to switch maven from 2 to 3 (on Linux) using: Anyway mvn -v still gives version 2, so I always have to execute /path/to/maven3/bin/mvn to use maven. How can I rebind the mvn command to the appropriate maven path? Answer which mvn And then recreate symbolic link to point on new Maven version. And verify than environment variable
Ask GDB to list all functions in a program
How can you list all functions in a program with GDB? Answer info functions prints the names and data types of all defined functions. See 16 Examining the Symbol Table.
Porting windows application to linux
I have an application which I need to port on Linux. I was thinking to use Free Pascal the problem is the application uses Windows API’s to perform tasks such as serial port communication etc… Is there a msdn for linux users or a book covering how linux works internaly if there are apis. I am very confused. Answer Robert
Any good tools to solve integer programs on linux? [closed]
Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. Questions asking us to recommend or find a tool, library or favorite off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it. Closed 9 years
Emacs, Linux and international keyboard layouts
Is there an easy way to use Emacs key-bindings when you are using a not-English (Russian) keyboard layout? Whenever an international layout is on, all keystrokes are interpreted literally, M-ф instead of M-a. As a result I can’t use commands. It would also be nice if Linux could interpret non-prefixed and shift-prefixed keys according according to an international layout, while
how to grep listening on port 80 that can also filter other port contain 80 such as 8080 8088 …?
I want to use bash to grep if any process is listening on port 80,but now I stumble upon other port number which annoys me. How can I filter this in grep? It also outputs other records such as 8080 8088 and so on. Answer I’m looking at the output of my netstat command, and see this: I take it
How to completely destroy a socket connection in C
I have made a chat client in linux using socket, and i wish to destroy the connection completely. Following is the relevant portions of the code: but the close(sock) doesnot seem to close the destroy the connection completely, because after going to ‘label’ the code is exiting showing the error message That is the connection is not happening again. What cannot open shared object file
I have a simple test program that when I run I get: I link it like this: My LD_LIBRARY_PATH contains this: /usr/lib looks like this: Output of ldd hello: I’m hoping that I’m missing something simple here. The oracle instantclient package appears to require libaio, but that seems to be installed already so what’s the problem? Answer It looks like