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Tag: base64

Decode base64 strings into hex strings in a file and overwrite

I have a list of base64 strings in a file (file.txt) that I need to convert into hex. E.g., Command: This command works individually (albeit the spaces in between), but I need to convert through each string in the file, which has more than 500 lines. Basically, I want the above base64 string format to be decoded to the below

Compute base64 encoded hash from a given hash?

I created a file and input some random string into it. Now if I use openssl to compute base64 hash [sha256], I run this: which returns me KHN0ZGluKT0gMzJjYjA1MTgzNDNhZmY2N2FlMmY5YzUwNDcwNGRiNGE5Njc5MzIyZWVlNTBmMjBiNTMzNjZlYTBiMDY2MWNlZgo= Now I process this hash stepwise, as, which gives me (stdin)= 32cb0518343aff67ae2f9c504704db4a9679322eee50f20b53366ea0b0661cef Let this hash be X. Then I do this, I get a different result. Why is that? My reason for

How to base64 encode image in linux bash / shell

I’m trying to base64 encode an image in a shell script and put it into variable: I’ve also tried something like this: but still with no success. I want to do something like this: I found this but still have had no success. Answer You need to use cat to get the contents of the file named ‘DSC_0251.JPG’, rather
