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Tag: hash

Compute base64 encoded hash from a given hash?

I created a file and input some random string into it. Now if I use openssl to compute base64 hash [sha256], I run this: which returns me KHN0ZGluKT0gMzJjYjA1MTgzNDNhZmY2N2FlMmY5YzUwNDcwNGRiNGE5Njc5MzIyZWVlNTBmMjBiNTMzNjZlYTBiMDY2MWNlZgo= Now I process this hash stepwise, as, which gives me (stdin)= 32cb0518343aff67ae2f9c504704db4a9679322eee50f20b53366ea0b0661cef Let this hash be X. Then I do this, I get a different result. Why is that? My reason for

php password check with hash doesn’t work

I write a login page and a checking page in php. On my local machine it work, but on the server it doesn’t (if it matter I’m on Windows and the server is on Linux). Here is the code in the checking page: The strange thing is that when I enter something with letters to the password input the system
