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Tag: compiler-errors

CPU you selected doesn’t support x86-64 instruction set

I want to compile a program which has lots of 32-bit static libraries which I cannot recompile to 64-bit because the lack of makefiles but there are some libraries that I should compile to obtain some static libraries to use alongside them. One of the libraries that I want to compile has a Makefile as follows : Which results in

How to fix linker warning: “function undefined” in kernel space?

I’m working on an integrated SDK for powerpc microprocessor which has some kernel modules. The kernel(3.12.37) and toolchain(powerpc gcc 4.9.2) provided by Yocto project. When i make SDK in native machine(x86_64bit Ubuntu 14) by mentioned toolchain and kernel source, I see these warnings during compilation of kernel module: These warnings appear when i insmod kernel module. I realized that this

GCC Bug, “linux” string in path replaced with “1” when using “” angle brackets to include a header through a macro

I may have found a bug in gcc. I couldn’t find anything related to this online so I want to know if anyone seen this before. I am using “Ubuntu 16.04.0 LTS” with: gcc version 5.4.0 20160609 (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.6), but this problem can be reproduced on later gcc versions as well, gcc-6 and gcc-7. Here you can find a

How to build evpp in Linux Mint

I want to use evpp library in my project but I cannot build it in my OS. My OS is Linux mint 18.1 and and I use the release build script in tools folder ( I am getting the following errors; I installed all third-part libraries like boost, glog and gtest look here. Am I missing something? Answer I asked

glibc Cross Compile Configure Error

I would like to cross compile glibc. But, I ‘m getting an error. glibc version is 2.24. I tried compiling host and target i686-elf. My $MACHTYPE environment label is x86_64-pc-linux-gnu. Target directory includes binutils-2.27 and gcc-6.2.0. My PATH environment is: /home/ercan/cross/tools/tools_binaries/i686/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games Console output have been listing to below: It is not configured and config.log that is in build-glibc which content

Reading numbers from file and normalizing

Hello Everyone, I want to load the data I have in a file, which looks like: Now, I want to load this from the file and compute the normalization. I do: But, I am getting the error: Although, I do the process directly into python 2.7 console in linux like, This works fine. I don’t know what I am doing
