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Tag: docker

How to use –since option with docker logs command

I want to look at last 1 hour of docker container log using docker logs –since option. Which value I should provide for –since parameter? Answer as the help says –since string Show logs since timestamp (e.g. 2013-01-02T13:23:37) or relative (e.g. 42m for 42 minutes I would do docker logs mycontainer_or_id –since 60m This syntax is correct according to my

Docker $(pwd) and bash aliases

I’m running Docker CE in Ubuntu 16.04. I’ve created a Docker image for the polymer-cli. The idea is to be able to run polymer commands from inside disposable docker containers using bash aliases that mount the current directory, run the command and then destroy the container, like this: This works perfectlty, but if I create a bash alias for this

What starts this docker process on my laptop?

Every time I boot up my Lubuntu 16.04 laptop I can see I have a running docker container: It serves a Jenkins application on the port 80 and requesting localhost/ in the browser redirects to http://localhost/login?from=%2F and shows a Jenkins warning page: A wget request shows: How can I know which service is firing up this docker process ? I

MSSQL Server for Linux Docker Versions

I currently have Microsoft SQL Server 2017 (CTP2.1) – 14.0.600.250 (X64) May 10 2017 12:21:23 Copyright (C) 2017 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Developer Edition (64-bit) on Linux (Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS). Are there any earlier versions available? SQL Server 2012, 2014, 2016? I don’t want to run into the problem where I need to back up and restore a database

Is alpine distribution food for big scale apps?

While studying and learning Docker, I’ve read a lot about linux distributions and I always read positive comments in Alpine because of it being lightweight but what are the disadvantages of using lightweight? I’m guessing that because it’s lightweight, it also has a disadvantage when it comes to scaling.. Also, what can be the advantage of a lightweight distribution compare
