I am converting an entire folder of videos to MP4. The script works except that the new videos have “.mp4” attached twice to them. For example. ‘video.mp3’ would be ‘video.mp3.mp4’ after conversion. Below is the shell script. TIA Answer This will strip the last file extension: ${file%.*} So you’d want ${file%.*}.mp4 Here is a good reference for string manipulation in
Tag: ffmpeg
FFmpeg audio crossfade
I’m trying to merge several videos using ffmpeg and apply the cross-fade transition in between. I got video cross-fade working by referring to this. At the same time I need to have audio also to have cross-fade applied for original audios associated with each video. I referred several places but they resulted, Buffer queue overflow, dropping. This, this and this
Use an IP-camera with webRTC
I want to use an IP camera with webrtc. However webrtc seems to support only webcams. So I try to convert the IP camera’s stream to a virtual webcam. I found software like IP Camera Adapter, but they don’t work well (2-3 frames per second and delay of 2 seconds) and they work only on Windows, I prefer use Linux
opencv installation ffmpeg error
I have been trying to install opencv for a long time in my fedora 20 32 bit system.I followed the instructions from http://docs.opencv.org/trunk/doc/py_tutorials/py_setup/py_setup_in_fedora/py_setup_in_fedora.html#install-opencv-python-in-fedora But after all cmake commands when I m trying to make it I am getting an error again and again. I have followed so many articles about the ffmpeg versions and updating stuff but did understand a
I am really confused with this kind of compilation error( C ffmpeg Qt)
I downloaded the latest ffmpeg source code and successfully installed it on Ubuntu But I failed to compile a simple demo.(I did included proper headers) Here are the error messages ,just to name a few: Can you help me solve this problem? Contents Added: e.g this is my includes e.g AVFormatContext is declared in /usr/include/libavformat/avformat.h error message box shows Unknown
How to convert m4v and wmv videos to mp4 format using ffmpeg?
I am using ffmpeg to convert videos to mp4 in my PHPMotion project. I am not able to convert wmv and m4v video to mp4 format. I’ve pasted the command that I used to convert wmv and m4v: When I use this codes, i got an error message: How can I solve this issue? Answer For those who still find