As far as I know, initrd acts as a block device, thus requiring a filesystem driver (such as ext2). The kernel must have at least one built-in module for detecting filesystem of initrd. In this article, Introducing initramfs, a new model for initial RAM disks, it is written that: But ramdisks actually waste even more memory due to caching. Linux
Tag: filesystems
How long does an UBIFS take to sync a file to flash
Does anyone know how long a UBIFS takes to flush/sync a file to flash? The write happens through a normal fwrite operation and I would like to know how long before that write is committed to flash when no other writes to file occur. If not, any way of finding out? Thanks. Answer An interesting read: UBIFS write-back knobs in
How to efficiently monitor a directory for changes on linux?
I am working with Magento, and there is a function that merges CSS and Javascript into one big file. Regardless the pros and cons of that, there is the following problem: The final file gets cached at multiple levels that include but are not limited to: Amazon CloudFront Proxy servers Clients browser cache Magento uses an MD5 sum of the
200,000 images in single folder in linux, performance issue or not?
I have a php/mysql website with over 200,000 images in single folder (linux server). I don’t think, that I will never need to see them in file explorer, instead they will be viewed on website on their individual pages. They are just displayed in product page on website. File system is ext3. so is it wise to save them in