I’m trying to deploy Kubernetes Web UI as described here: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/web-ui-dashboard/ My system configuration is as follows: After starting the minukube cluster minikube start I created a Service Account and ClusterRoleBinding as described here: https://github.com/kubernetes/dashboard/blob/master/docs/user/access-control/creating-sample-user.md Now I execute: or and get the following output: What happened and how to fix it? Answer issue is you missed this note : NOTE:
Tag: kubernetes
How to deploy .net core in Kubernetes?
Recently I started study Kubernetes. And I want to deploy .net core in Kubernetes. How to deploy .net core in Kubernetes ? Maybe there is a simple example ? Answer There are lots of resources on the web for the specific mechanics that I will add at the bottom. This is a very broad question and probably not a correct
What are the exact system requirements for Knative set up? Why the basic setup guide lead me to exhaustion of resource?
I have been trying to set up Knative development environment on my system. But everytime i deploy Istio , the pilot remain in pending state and i find its because of resource exhaustion. I followed basic setup guide from Knative docs. i.e. serving/blob/master/DEVELOPMENT.md Now if i install and deploy istio according to it, the resources get exhausted and istio-pilot remain
How to access istio created dashboard
I installed istio on kubernetes without helm. I can see pods and services are created in istio-system namespace. All service like grafana, Prometheus are created and their ports are not exposed. As load-balancer-service is created so that one load balancer is also created in AWS, I wanted to access grafana, prometheus etc dashboard from an external network through newly created
Is it possible to disable spectre/meltdown/related patches on coreos?
Is it possible to disable Spectre and Meltdown patches on later builds of CoreOS? At my company we are running an entirely internal Kubernetes computer cluster, and are looking to get the performance back. On a normal linux system, you could boot with the kernel boot parameters: But adding: To /usr/share/oem/grub.cfg doesn’t appear to have any effect. I’m wondering if
How to gracefully shutdown a Go service running on Kubernetes
I have an API written in Go that has been Dockerised and runs in a Kubernetes cluster on GKE. At the moment my API server does not handle any shutdown scenarios such as a Pod dying or being purposefully brought down. What set of UNIX signals should I expect to trap to gracefully shutdown the server and what circumstances would
Analyze memory dump of a dotnet core process running in Kubernetes Linux
I am using Kubernetes in Google Cloud (GKE). I have an application that is hoarding memory I need to take a process dump as indicated here. Kubernetes is going to kill the pod when it gets to the 512Mb of RAM. So I connect to the pod And run: Find the process I want: But when I try to dump…
Can’t resolve monitoring-influxdb on Kubernetes with heapster and kube-dns
I am trying to get Heapster working on my Kubernetes cluster. I am using Kube-DNS for DNS resolution. My Kube-DNS seems to be set up correctly: kubectl describe pod kube-dns-v20-z2dd2 -n kube-system kubectl describe svc kube-dns -n kube-system kubectl describe ep kube-dns -n kube-system kubectl exec -it busybox1 — nslookup kubernetes.default However if I am trying to resolve http://monitoring-influxdb on
Kubernetes on 32 bit machine
While I was running kubectl command in my ubuntu 16.04 os which is a 32 bit machine, I was getting cannot execute binary file: Exec format error Can some one tell me whether Kubernetes works on 32 bit machine or not ? Answer Currently there are no ready-made binaries for 32bit systems at: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/CHANGELOG-1.7.md#downloads-for-v1710 You can build kubernetes from source
Kubernetes Docker OS parameters vs Host OS parameters
I am running NGINX and Tomcat on Docker containers (container OS is Red Hat linux) and deployed through Kubernetes pods. Host OS is Red Hat Linux. My query is which OS parameter will be effective – host OS or container OS? During performance tuning do I need to tune both OS or host OS parameters are effective. Example of some