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Tag: linux

cassandra dead but pid file exists on amzon centos6

I am trying to install cassandra on amazon centOS6.0 for that i follow from Caassandra After successful install i am able to start the cassandra service but when trying to check status it throws “cassandra dead but pid file exists” error. Any help. Cassandra LOG: System LOG: When i type cassandra -f Answer I found the issue the day i

What’s the difference between a VFS and an NFS?

This might be a dumb question, but I’m struggling to find resources that clearly explain how a VFS is different from an NFS. Can they both be used for the same purpose? Bonus question: Can you watch a VFS with inotify like you can an NFS? Answer “NFS” is a network filesystem that’s been around for decades. Wikipedia has you

How to Accept Standard Input in C from the Linux Command Line

I am trying to accept a string from the standard input in Linux, take the given string and change the ‘A'(s) and ‘a'(s) to ‘@’, and output the altered string. In linux I am running this: echo “This problem is an EASY one” | ./a2at My a2at.c program contains this: Any help would be really appreciated! I know that I

How to find random files in Linux shell

How to pick 100 files randomly from a directory by Linux shell. I read other topic, ‘shuf’ command can do this: find . -type f | shuf -n100, but our environments do not have ‘shuf’ cmd. Is there other method to do this? use bash, awk, sed or sth else? Answer This should work on your CentOS5: This comes from

Iptables setup on VPN client having LAN [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a comment to explain where the question

Running shell script using .env file

I am fairly new to running scripts in UNIX/Linux. I have a .env file containing environment information and a .sh script containing folder creations etc for that environment. How would I run the script on the environment contained in the .env file or how could I point the script to the target environment? Would it be as easy as: Answer

Undefined references to functions found within SDL2/SDL2_framerate.h

I’m having an issue compiling my code which is using the library. First of all, I have ran a sudo apt-get install libsdl2-* and installed everything they could give me. Next up, I manually built the darned thing. I found the source online at this url. I’m not exactly sure where to put the compile .so object I generated with:

dynamic linker error with rand() function

I already asked a question about this before but with reference to the following code again Why does compiling this result in the following error Why would this happen? How does the linker know that this is just another rand() function I have declared myself but rather an existing version of rand()? Answer One of your header files (<iostream> in
