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Tag: php

Can’t run PHP exec() on command line

Hoping someone can help me out here. Trying to run any command using exec() returns 126 and displays the same error message. I’ve narrowed it down to this pretty minimal test case. SELinux and PHP safe mode are not enabled permissions are fine on /, /bin/, and /bin/ls asterisk is a system user created with this command: adduser -d /var/lib/asterisk

PHP popen Application cannot open shared object

I’ve created a simple C++ Application with the boost framework. The Application is running correct from the command line. After this I’ve created a PHP file with a popen to this binary. After visiting the website I’ve got the following error message from apache2/error_log System is openSuse Linux. Steps done: Insert lib path to /etc/ and running ldconfig Answer You

Use php exec to launch a linux command with brace expansion

How can I force the php exec() to interpret the linux brace expansion? I am encountering a strange behavior, and did not find a way to fix it the way I want. I want to execute a linux command containing brace expression to select a batch of files, from php I am using php to generate a “random” number of

flock: -c requires exactly one command argument

We have multiple cronjobs running on our system. The problem is that we run them every hour, and therefore sometimes the cronjob didn’t finish and a new instance has started. Because of that, we wanted to use flock so the script only gets executed once. However, when I have this in my crontab or run it alone I’m getting the

php password check with hash doesn’t work

I write a login page and a checking page in php. On my local machine it work, but on the server it doesn’t (if it matter I’m on Windows and the server is on Linux). Here is the code in the checking page: The strange thing is that when I enter something with letters to the password input the system

MYSQL insert into on duplicate key value

I have two tables X and Y. Both of them have the column ‘name’ in common. Columns of X are id(Auto increment) – primary key name email value. Columns of Y are id(Auto increment) – primary key name sex salary There are some rows in X which are not present in Y. I want to insert those missing rows into
