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Tag: python-2.7

import cv2 on centos 64 bit

I already copy the cv2 and complete the procedure installing opencv and python and I also think the default python installation is usr/lib64/python2.7 and there is also usr/lib/python2.7 and I also move the cv2 using copy -r usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ to usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/ it successfully move but when I run the $python import cv2 [this is what happen1 am still wondering if there

‘Close window’ button wont work when using tkinter + gobject

My tkinter application runs fine, but to implement dbus functionality I had to use gobject. Got it working and all, except that, running both tkinter’s and gobject’s mainloops makes the “close window” button from the standard window manager (‘x’ button in the window interface) not to work. :/ Everything else works fine, including resizing, minimizing/maximizing, restoring, and moving the window.

Update python on linux 2.7 to 3.5

So I updated python using these instructions: then then and it worked but when I closed terminal, and wrote python -v it is still python 2.7 and still getting errors executing code that use v3+ standard libraries How to make it working as 3.5? Answer You still have Python 2 installed, and the python command is still set up to

Difficulty with python while installing YouCompleteMe in vim

I’ve followed these instructions, in order to install YouCompleteMe in Vim, but when I issue: The following error message comes up: and now I’m stuck, what should I do? Answer I checked YouCompleteMe’s build system and it uses a custom build script that uses the Python module distutils to find the paths to Python’s library and include directories. Your /usr/local/

SFTP via Paramiko to ipv6 linux machine

I am relatively new to python and am trying sftp for the first time via python script. I want my python script to get a file from a Dual Stack Machine (Both IPv4 and IPv6 present). Below is the code snippet I am using for Paramiko: When I use the code with IPv4 it works fine. But when I replace
