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Tag: python-3.x

Not able to import pandas and numpy

I am trying to run following simple script on Debian Stable Linux: But it is giving following error: Following versions of pandas and numpy are installed through Debian Repositories: Where is the problem and how can it be solved? Edit: I find that the same above file works perfectly in another folder! I am using correct filename for command. There

How can I use python 3 tkinter in Linux?

I tried the following program in Win10, it works But I want to use it in linux mint and it display nothing (it display a window with a button on my win10) from tkinter import * tk=Tk() btn= Button(tk,text=”ttk”) btn.pack() I want it display a window with a button on my linux mint Answer You need to invoke Tk’s mainloop.

Using register with a loop in Ansible

i want to code a playbook which IF a user exists changes the pw of it. The playbook should be able to take n User’s and change the pw of those Users. At the moment im having the issue that the when is empty due to the loop, i tried using with_items: {{ user_exists.results }} but this is somehow not

pip install pickle not working – no such file or directory

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, trying to install cpickle with pip. I’ve searched a bit, haven’t found anything useful yet. PYTHONPATH isn’t set. Error message troubleshooting steps Answer Checking on the interweb, I found this A common pattern in Python 2.x is to have one version of a module implemented in pure Python, with an optional accelerated version implemented as a C

Can’t install aiohttp==2.0.6 on Alpine Linux v3.5

I’m using a fresh install of Alpine Linux v3.5 with edge/main repos These are the commands I’m running: And that’s the error that I’m getting from the last command: On the ArchLinux host, however, everything installs correctly Answer I’ve been having the same problem. I removed in my requirements.txt the version name and it worked. I checked the version than
