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Tag: service

Running mongod in shell works but it does not work as a service

I am running mongod under Linux OS. I wanted to change my data directory from the default /var/lib/mongodb to another location say /nfs/mongodb. When I run mongodb from shell(i.e. sudo /usr/bin/mongod –dbpath /nfs/mongodb) It works just fine. Next step, I tried to run mongodb as a service(sudo service mongodb start) I modified the file /etc/mongodb.conf and changed the line dppath=xxx

OpenSSL will not release file handles

I am writing a service (in C for CentOS) that must make lots of outbound SSL connections to a third party REST API via SSL. OpenSSL is used to create establishment of the secure connections with the remote server. After initialization of the ssl_connection I register the returned file descriptor with our epoll queue. I can connect and perform the

Systemctl dependency failure, stop dependent services

I have 2 services a.service and b.service. a.service is shown b.service Now, when i start b.service, i’m sure a.service will be started. During runtime, suddenly someone messes with /home/admin/ and systemd is unable to start a.service (also systemctl status a.service shows failed as status). Now is there a option so that b.service can know that a.service is failed and it

How to run DNX ‘console app’ as a background service on Linux?

I’ve implemented a DNX (dnx451) ‘console app’ which is intended to run as a background service. On Windows I would just turn it into a Windows Service. What is the proper way to do this on Linux (for instance, Ubuntu)? EDIT: Found more info here: How to migrate a .NET Windows Service application to Linux using mono? Answer On Unix/Linux
