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Tag: specflow

specflow.exe – ‘’ not found

I’m trying to run the specflow.exe that comes with the nuget package on Linux, but I am getting the below error: I found the file: How can I make specflow.exe use it? Answer SpecFlow <= 2.4 has no .NET Core support, so you can’t execute the specflow.exe with dotnet specflow.exe. You can try to use Mono to execute it. So

Add SpecFlow tests to .NET Core project in VSCode

I’ve created a .NET Core project and I’m using VSCode on Linux. I installed SpecFlow with dotnet add package SpecFlow but I don’t think there is IDE integration yet. Can I use the SpecFlow nuget package from the command line to create a test? Answer SpecFlow 3.0 will have .NET Core support. A preview is currently available. See blog post:
