I am training a neural network and I found it useful to have a tqdm bar showing how many steps in epoch has come. I faced the following problem: after reaching the end of a terminal window, it shows … (more hidden) … and I cannot do anything about it. I tried scrolling up and down in tmux, but it
Tag: ssh
SSH Key Exchange with alternate user
So I am using RHEL 7. I have two servers with the following user accounts root (obvious) admin I want the setup to work in the following manner. passwordless SSH from server 1 to server 2 using the admin user, but the SSH initiation is done from the root user always. We are not allowed to do ssh key exchange
How SSH Environment Variables works with shell script file?
If I run the command bellow and my install.sh has the following section: cat install.sh | ssh $PRD_USER@$PRD_HOST The $PRD_S3_ACCESS_KEY is going to be resolved from my host or the environment variables from the remote server? Answer Assuming you have gettext installed (which contains envsubst), you can do
remotely determine using ssh IF a machine needs to be rebooted [closed]
Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 3 years ago. Improve this question There are plenty of examples of HOW to reboot a linux machine via SSH. However, in my case I want to check IF a linux
How to run remote script on multiple host simultaneously
I have a great amount of Linux servers to maintain. Frequently I need to run a script (script.sh) on all of them to get the health status, this script usually takes about 30-40 seconds to give an output. To facilitate maintenance tasks, I’m writing a shell script that uses SSH to loop through all remote hosts, run script.sh, collect output
Executing bash script via java in background after ssh connection is closed
I am using java to execute a simple bash script on a remote linux machine. The bash script named “shortoracle.bash” have this script: Simply speaking: create 10 parallel connection that execute queries for 360 seconds. From my java program i execute the following command: The ssh executes the script successfully. I want,after a timeout of 2 seconds (the second param)
Not able to connect to AWS server using linux terminal after a reboot with “sudo service sshd restart”. Getting “Connection timed out” error
I was trying to edit the sshd_config file and in between that my machine crashed. When I tried again it started showing the below message- I deleted the .swp file but it looks like the original file got deleted. After that I ran this command “sudo service sshd restart “. Now I am not able to connect to the AWS
How to do dynamic port forwarding using Ruby
How do I do SSH dynamic port forwarding on Ruby? I tried to use gems such as “net/ssh/socks” and “net/ssh/gateway”, but it looks like they are already outdated because I can’t even require them. All I need to do is run this shell command and receive the PID of this process. I also tried to use Kernel#system and Kernel#spawn. For
How to run ssh over an existing TCP connection
I want to be able to SSH to a number linux devices at once, behind different NATs. I can’t configure the network that they are on. However, I’m having trouble getting ssh to go over an existing connection. I have full control over both my client and the devices. Here’s the process so far: On my client, I first run
/proc/meminfo not updating when reading from ssh script
I have the following script in bash: I have my host PC and a target PC which I am copying to. Before I run this script I have already scp’d a big file into /tmp on the target. When I run this script it copies the file /tmp/big ok, but when it enters the loop to sync the flash and