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Tag: ubuntu

Browsersync on Linux

I did install Browsersync on Ubuntu using command line: Now, I went to check for version: where I get error message: What should I do now? Answer I got it fixed installing nodejs-legacy: Then checked back to be worked: Thanks to @Biffen for his tip 🙂

Linux: How to change command to different path?

I installed nodejs on my ubuntu system. The command which nodejsgives me the following response: /usr/bin/nodejs which is correct because a nodejs -v gives me the version I installed, 0.10.25. If I type which node instead, I get /usr/sbin/node which does nothing at all. My question is now: How do I change the command node to /usr/sbin/nodejs so that I

Amazon linux AMI vs Ubuntu

I was given a project that was running on Amazon linux AMI, now I need to transfer project to Ubuntu server. I am more familiar with Ubuntu. I was wondering what would be the difference? Will the project work perfectly on Ubuntu? Answer Amazon Linux AMI is a red hat based distro so things like the package installer or the

My own program who work as “which” command in linux – dont work great

I would like to make my own program who will be work as which command in linux. Original which command works that (example for pwd): $ which pwd /bin/pwd but my program works that: $ ./prog1 pwd /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games pwd Can You correct my program? Source code: Answer You find the candidate directory using strsep, storing it in path. But then

Script program inputs in bash ubuntu linux [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 7 years ago. Improve this question I’m in a course for C++ programming. Our professor created a linux validation script against which our program output must match exactly. It’s running out

/usr/bin/ld cannot find -l

I have written a few programs and while trying to compile them using g++,as thus, I keep getting the following error: fwlib32.h is the library I am trying to include. The shared object file is present in /usr/local/lib as well as /usr/lib. But I am unable link to it. I have tried all the solutions offered by similar questions

How to find the FQDN of an Azure VM

I just spun up a new Azure VM from the portal. I want to find the FQDN of the said portal so that I can connect to it via SSH, using this scheme: ssh username@FQDN -p 22 Can anyone tell me where to look? I’ve spent many hours trying to do this, but to no avail. Answer For you to
