I’m using the following version of VS Code on Linux Mint 20.3 Una XFCE Desktop – When I launch the terminal through the menu Terminal>New Terminal it cannot recognise any commands for example – *npm is installed on my system and is available through the terminal outside of vscode. By the way, I get the same result when I try
Tag: visual-studio-code
How to fix The terminal process “/usr/sbin/nologin” failed to launch (exit code: 1) error in VSCode [closed]
Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a comment to explain where the question
How to troubleshoot Vscode ssh could not establish connection to “hostname”?
I’m trying to connect to a host with Vscode ssh, but I keep getting “could not establish connection to ‘hostname'”. I’m confused because it was working perfectly fine and then it stopped working out of the blue. I did not change the hostname or any config related to ssh in vscode I can still connect to the host in PuTTY,
Add OpenGL to Linux Vscode
I followed this tutorial successfully. But it doesn’t explain how to configure on vscode. Glad is in this folder /usr/include and I did use sudo in the terminal to compile and generate a.out. How do I do that in vscode? I have this error output when I try to build task: terminal My tasks is configured like that: tasks.json How
Can’t launch debug – C in VS code on Linux
Let me preface this, I am very new to linux and to working on a non-IDE based setup. I am trying to debug a very simple C program using vs code version 1.55 I unloaded all modules beforehand, so vs code can load appropriate default gcc & gdb versions (which it did, GCC 8.2) I am following the VS code
How to use different versions of R kernels in VS code Jupyter notebooks when using Linux
I can’t find a way to use various versions of the R kernel in VS code and be able to change between them easily. Obviously uninstalling one kernel version (e.g 4.0.0) and installing another (3.6.0) one is not a practical option. I already have installed: Jupyter Extension for Visual Studio Code (essential) R Extension for Visual Studio Code (optional) library(IRkernel)
Can’t commit and push to github repository
Screenshot Hi, I’m trying to commit and push my work onto github. However, I can’t. Seems like it’s saying some of the files i’m trying to push are too large. But that’s why I specified the .csv and .pt files in .gitignore. I am not sure why .gitignore is not working as it should. Any help will be very much
How to show gcc compiler warnings in VSCode terminal of a .c file
I have the C/C++ ms-vscode.cpptools extension installed (and the Code Runner). This is my task.json Note the -Wall option in the args part. When I compile and run the code the warnings don’t show up in my terminal, the errors only. Am I missing something? Answer Solved it was the configuration of code runner to be edited as well. Now
How to open VSCode from a Windows Linux Subsystem?
I have VSCode installed on my host OS which is Windows 10 on which I have an Ubuntu Subsystem terminal (WSL) and I’m trying to open VSCode from whitin it with this command code . The problem is that the output is Command ‘code’ not found. How can I make this work? Answer First, try installing the Remote – WSL
As of today omnisharp doesn’t start properly (The “CheckForDuplicateFrameworkReferences” task could not be loaded from the assembly […])
The full error: The “CheckForDuplicateFrameworkReferences” task could not be loaded from the assembly /usr/lib64/dotnet/sdk/5.0.100/Sdks/Microsoft.NET.Sdk/targets/../tools/net472/Microsoft.NET.Build.Tasks.dll. Invalid Image Confirm that the declaration is correct, that the assembly and all its dependencies are available, and that the task contains a public class that implements Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITask. It seems like the C# extension was updated 6 days ago, and I’m positive that I’ve been using