I have a working Nitrogen6x board that runs on Yocto Krogoth-next build with core-image-sato. I have installed Qt Creator 3.5.1 (based on Qt 5.5.1) and I have added my kit for nitrogen6x board as per [Build & Install Qt5 toolchain] document. I have added a sample Qt Quick Application with component set chosen as Qt Quick 2.1 and tried to
Tag: yocto
Building meta-virtualization layer in yocto
I am trying to add the meta-virtualization layer in my yocto project. The layer depends on openembedded-core and multiple layers provided by meta-openembedded. Following is the structure of my bblayers.conf file after adding the meta-virtualization layer and it’s dependencies. However, when I try to build docker present in the meta-virtualization layer, I encounter the following error If I am not
Embedded Qt Mouse Pointer Not Showing Up
I’ve got a bit of an interesting problem here. There are plenty of threads I’ve found where people are working to hide or get rid of a cursor on an embedded Qt GUI…but I’m trying to get a cursor to show up on an embedded Qt GUI. I inherited a project that was ‘finished’ some time ago, and the person
Library installation with yocto recipe
have a bit of a problem creating a recipe for yocto. More specifically i have to install a library from git that normally installs like this: My question is how can I add this to the recipe functions do_configure, do_compile, do_install. Haven’t found much information or examples online. Update 1: This is the library that i want to integrate into
Where should I _append Yocto bitbake task to create work folder symlink?
Let’s say I have my package at I would like to have symlink created each time the new version is fetched and unpacked. How can I achieve that ? Which class, task should I append, extend ? Optionally, I would like to have that for all packages or at least packages in my meta. Answer A new task that comes
How to disable serial console(non-kernel) in u-boot
I am building a Yocto image for Intel Edison. One of the image’s components is u-boot with an Edison-specific patch. By default, Edison’s UART port is used for u-boot console. I want to disable this feature, but only on the serial interface(u-boot also listens on USB and that needs to stay). My main concern is the “Press any key to
Performance review based python script on yocto linux [closed]
Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post. Closed 7 years ago. Improve this question I need to develop the performance review based python script , here is the scenario. I need to send the