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Tag: yocto

Yocto/Qt5.6: Unable to build a sample Qt Application

I have a working Nitrogen6x board that runs on Yocto Krogoth-next build with core-image-sato. I have installed Qt Creator 3.5.1 (based on Qt 5.5.1) and I have added my kit for nitrogen6x board as per [Build & Install Qt5 toolchain] document. I have added a sample Qt Quick Application with component set chosen as Qt Quick 2.1 and tried to

Building meta-virtualization layer in yocto

I am trying to add the meta-virtualization layer in my yocto project. The layer depends on openembedded-core and multiple layers provided by meta-openembedded. Following is the structure of my bblayers.conf file after adding the meta-virtualization layer and it’s dependencies. However, when I try to build docker present in the meta-virtualization layer, I encounter the following error If I am not

Embedded Qt Mouse Pointer Not Showing Up

I’ve got a bit of an interesting problem here. There are plenty of threads I’ve found where people are working to hide or get rid of a cursor on an embedded Qt GUI…but I’m trying to get a cursor to show up on an embedded Qt GUI. I inherited a project that was ‘finished’ some time ago, and the person

Library installation with yocto recipe

have a bit of a problem creating a recipe for yocto. More specifically i have to install a library from git that normally installs like this: My question is how can I add this to the recipe functions do_configure, do_compile, do_install. Haven’t found much information or examples online. Update 1: This is the library that i want to integrate into
